Tera Software stocks rallied 15.5 percentage in the morning on Friday on bagging projects and work orders really worth Rs 289 crore in Andhra Pradesh on Thursday. The stock became quoting at Rs 46, up to Rs three.75, or eight.88 percent at the BSE, at 09: forty-five hours IST. The agency has received three orders together with a massive operation and preservation order in Andhra Pradesh.
A very prestigious assignment of AP Fiber Grid Phase-I for operation and maintenance of the identical for Andhra Pradesh State Fiber Grid Network Phase-I for a duration of five years from Andhra Pradesh State Fiber Net Limited (APSFL). The value of this task is Rs 252.74 crore,” the business enterprise stated in its filing. The company additionally acquired the assignment work of Rs 33.
Seventy-five crore for annual protection settlement (AMC) offerings of PT equipment viz. OLTs, Agora Software, and Software for AAA server for AP fiber grid mission for 5 years across 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh from APSFL. Other ordersy worth Rs 2.15 croreweree also received from APSFL for ultimate mile optical fiber connectivity up to 622 connections to Education establishments from APSFL POP.